
The sole heir of Vizconde Alejandro Hermosa whose origins come from the Spanish East Indies. She escaped cruelty and death from corrupt Spanish officials by traveling westwards.The Vizconde saw in her a glimmer of hope in his waning years, and signed his fortune and title to the indio woman. A scandalous decision so close to the Spanish crown.However, the vizconde remained resolute in his choice, and she learned the ways of European society. Yet, she refused to be molded by their ways by following her own wishes, even if every act of hers would be scrutinized.But what was another scandal?



Though she was the most scandalous woman of Segovia, Maria still attracted handsome suitors.Her unique appearance always garnered her attention. Her warm tan skin was bronze under the sun. She often wore her curly raven hair half tied and enjoyed the tresses cascading down to her knees; it was her crowning glory. The windows to her soul were itself ethereal. It had an unnatural lack of darkness, and instead was a rich yellow color like liquid gold. A brilliant glimpse was sure to capture anyone.Her short stature was oft mistaken for a matching demure personality. The heiress was not, in fact, demure.



She could climb trees with her bare hands and feet. Her agreeable smile hid humor and wit---Wit that which she could sharpen like the butterfly knives she learned to wield to protect herself.While she wore an amicable and graceful visage for society to see, only those close to her had the privilege to enjoy her playful nature. Those she cared for were guaranteed her dedication and protection, just like a knight's pledge of his shield and sword to his king.But should she be crossed, the wrath of a tropical storm shall befall the traitor. Just as she did not take friendships lightly, so too with betrayal.


Original character and art made by me. Reimagined for the Bridgerton franchise.